Quick Details
Partial Day
2.5 Hours | Minimum 2 People. $50.00 Per Additional
$ 300
Half Day
4-5 Hours | Minimum 2 People. $75.00 Per Additional
$ 500
Private Tour of Bonaventure Cemetery
This tour requires at least 24 hrs pre-booking.
Inquiries: shannon@shannonscott.com or 912-604-4423.
On these Partial-Day or Half-Day tours, your highly rated guide will regale you in history from the mid-18th century Bonaventure Plantation era to the cemetery’s opening hours in 1846, spanning the 20th century up to the present day! All set inside one of the most sumptuous, natural cemetery landscapes you’ll observe anywhere in the world! Hear about famed figures that have made their mark on Savannah’s history and their connections to the Historic District and the world at large!
If selecting the full scope, Half-Day option, your personal host Shannon brings 35 years of exploring Bonaventure directly to you, as well as his vast knowledge as a taphophile, from symbolic language, art, landscape design, Victorian burial traditions and stories of the world-famous, along with deeply personal stories of famous locals who were his neighbors and friends. Depending on your party size or location, Shannon Scott personally picks you up in “The Buzzard Mobile“ at your hotel or vacation rental, so leave the driving and storytelling to him! Partial-Day tours cover Bonaventure, solely, whereas Half-Day tours include Bonaventure and its neighboring: The Greenwich Addition.
2.5 Hour – Partial Day Tour:
$300.00: 2 (two) person tour (Non-Transport)
Each Additional Person: $50.00 (Up to 6)
4-5 Hour – Half Day Tour:
$500.00: 2 (two) person tour with transport provided (door-to-door)
Each Additional Person: $75.00 (Up to 6)
The tour may include such characters and subjects as:
• Child Celeb Little Gracie
• Lyricist Great Johnny Mercer
• Root Doctor Lady Minerva
• Underground Poet Conrad Aiken
• Pirate Basher Josiah Tattnall III
• Rebel Painter, Mary Hoover
• Valley Forge Hero, Noble W. Jones
• Photographer Jack Leigh
• Silent film great Edythe Chapman
• Composer great Professor Weigand
Photos are the courtesy of Alissa Lee Nicholson. Please visit Forest City Of The South for more.