“Are ya a book guy, Shannon, are you a book guy?” – Novelist, Pat Conroy
Shannon Scott has soaked up Savannah and The Low Country at every level for over 30 years. Arriving as a Fine Arts student of The Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD), he became a regular at The Georgia Historical Society and, as a conversationalist, earned the graces of many locals — from the richest to the poorest — and absorbed their stories and those of their friends and family. During these nurturing hours, Shannon acquired his first tour guide license at age 19 and drove carriages, buses and trolleys, and he worked as a step-on guide for major tour bus companies. As it was somewhat impossible to live solely as a tour guide, Shannon became a cook and caterer, refining his talents in many a restaurant and private club. 1995 was a pivotal year. Shannon created all of the walking tours for a local company and became the city’s most sought after ghost tour Storyteller. It was also during this time that Shannon began to do voice-over commercial work, further honing his skill set. After leaving SCAD, he opened a publishing company, Jones Street Productions, and published refined maps for higher-end travelers, specialized map guides, devoted to antiques and art galleries, and his most popular publication: The Foodies Guide. Always looking to the future for himself and Savannah, it would be Hollywood that took a keen interest in this area expert. Shannon found himself working as a regular researcher, associate producer and location scout for films, particularly TV shows dealing with hauntings, some of which involved on-camera participation. Most notably, these included “Scariest Places On Earth” and “Ghosthunters.” In 2002, Shannon opened his own ghost tour company and self-financed, produced and starred in his own documentary film, “America’s Most Haunted City,” based on his own experiences and those of friends and neighbors in Savannah. In 2010, Shannon sold his tour company and opened Shannon Scott Tours & Events, placing major emphasis on cemeteries and unique cultural events related to them. Future plans include tours and events in other Southern cities with cemeteries that need a greater spotlight.
Read more on Shannon’s life and work HERE.
Website design + many photographs, courtesy of Alissa Lee Nicholson. Please visit Savannah’s Forest City Of The South for more.